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If you are looking to enhance your skills as an Offensive/ Defensive lineman and attract the attention of college recruiters or NFL scouts, then look no further. Big Man Performance is a program that offensive and defensive lineman can call home. Our program focuses on weaknesses and turn them into strengths as we worked to refine your current abilities to meet the physical demands of the grind in the trenches. The grind it takes to be the best is not just your talent. It takes TECHNIQUE!

When you are ready to separate yourself from the rest of the pack come train with someone who has done it day and night for more than 20 years. Big Man Performance wants to help each young man reach their full potential as a football player, but more importantly as a man. Big Man Performance will hold you accountable for your approach to training. We will not hold your hand. Players must understand that “Talent gets you to halftime, but Technique gets you the Win”!

The standard will never be lowered for any trainer, lineman, parent, or coach. Our commitment is to transform Big Men into consistent, well rounded linemen that are physically and mentally strong to become the ultimate athlete. It will not be easy and it is not for everybody, but if you are willing to climb the mountain of adversity, fatigue, and pain to become mentally and physically equip with the necessary tools to become one of the best then this is the program for you. 


To enable Big Man Performance athletes to find a clear purpose in their academic and athletic aptitude so they can release the power within, reach their goals, find mental balance, while in the pursuit of excellence as a offensive and defensive lineman.   


Big Men Performance is committed to building Big Man Athletes through a step-by-step progression of fundamentals and techniques to create a solid foundation so when fatigue sets in you have a base line to continue playing at a high level.

Never get bored with the details of what it takes to become the best at what you do. Success in football comes from the player who is willing to sacrifice his own wants and desirers for the common goal of winning for the team.


Our goal is to break you down and build you back up physically and mentally into an all-around player with a strong foundation of technique and fundamentals that will get you through any situation you may find yourself in throughout four quarters. We will work with the lineman to lay out their expectations and develop three goals they want to accomplish while attending Big Man Performance. Each day we step across the white lines, we will do so with the right mindset!

  1. I am mentally, emotionally, and physically committed.

  2. I am willing to pay the price to outwork my opponents.

  3. Each day I earn my stone to build my foundation to success.

  4. I am humble for the opportunity to get better than the day before

  5. I work to meet the standards I set for myself at Big Man Performance!

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