All staff, volunteers, participant, and parents entering the gate will be subject to having their temperature checked every session and wear a mask while participating during the camp.
Any participant who feel sick will be removed from participating and urge to go home. If a player, coach, volunteer, or spectator is repeatedly sneezing, coughing, or showing any signs of sickness will be asked to leave the premises immediately for the safety of others.
In the event it starts raining/ lightning all participants will be required to go their parent’s vehicles to Social distance until it has been determined if the camp will resume.
Limiting Spectator Attendance: Two parents per player may attend.
All participants will be prohibited from celebrating with each other in the matter of high-fiving, chest bumping, fist bumping and group celebrations.
We will have sanitizing stations located around the premises
If a parent chooses to stay and watch he or she must adhere to our safety plan or be asked to stay in their vehicles.
​ If a parent chooses to stay and watch he or she must adhere to our safety plan or be asked to stay in their vehicles.
Every parent will be encouraged to wear a mask if they decide to stay and watch.
Maintain social distancing while seating on the bleachers or their personal camp chairs.
Maintain social distancing while using the restroom facilities.
Gather in groups of 10 or less.
Stay off the field and sidelines while the camp is operating.
Please reframe from using profanity or be asked to stay in your car.
Hand sanitizer will be used by all staff, volunteers, and participants while camp is in session
All football equipment (Sleds, Bags, Mitts, Shields, etc..) will be sanitized after each drill session
Signs placed outside of the bathrooms and common areas to remind parents of the 6 ft social distancing rule
All staff, volunteers, and participants should shower, dress in clean clothes, and practice cleanliness while attending the camp.
In addition to sanitizing stations, hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content will be required to use the sanitizer entering and leaving the field.
Big Man Performance will distribute individual water bottles to all participating lineman to use during camp
Individual water bottles will be distributed for hydration throughout the duration of the camp.
Coach led activities will the same groups follow each coach to different drills.
The adherence to the regulations outlined above will be monitored during the event by designated coaches and staff members. Anyone not following the rules outlined above will be subject to dismissal from the camp without a refund. Big man performance goal is to provide a safe environment for all who participate in our camp on or off the field. Thank you